Sunday, September 18, 2011

Past Life Recall

At birth, you had the gift of two types of memory, current life and past life. You also had the gift of having a veil dropped over the past. That veil can be lifted, should you choose to do so.
Perhaps it is easy for children to recall past lives because their minds are not cluttered by confronting the lessons and challenges of their current lives. By the time children reach adulthood, they will have experienced many things that might cloud past-life memories, including admonishment by some adults that those memories are only creative imagination. A wise parent who realizes that a child is recalling past life memories can provide encouragement by asking the child to make up a bedtime story. Your child's reaction can be surprisingly straightforward. Your child might ask, "Do you remember when I was the mommy (or daddy) and you were little like me?" In a playful way, s/he might describe a past-life event as a personal story. By talking with your child just before sleep, you can learn much about the past-life experiences that went into the making of that soul's character--your little child.
Parents who punish their child for play-acting what the child believes to be real could damage or stunt the emotional and spiritual life of that child who is simply remembering the past. Such an unwise approach on the part of the parents could cause serious problems to develop later as the child develops and must deal with issues rooted in a past life. The freedom to remember is essential. 


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  2. It's positively conceivable to have actual past-life recall via regression exercises. Individuals may likewise understanding past-life recall amid dreams.
    Doug Buckingham is a fully qualified and insured Regression Therapist, and I am also an experienced Hypnosis and Regression Therapy trainer.
