Friday, October 29, 2010

Benefits of PLR

Past life therapy has a myriad of benefits. Memories revealed from a past life allow individuals to alter their perspectives on their current lives. This therapy helps people to understand who they are, learn how past life events have affected present life circumstances, and to offer insight into hidden conflicts so that repeating patterns may be stopped.

Awareness created through regression therapy allows mental, physical, and emotional release. Patients may let go of deep-seated emotions, fears, and guilt that often result in the relief of such problems as chronic pain, alcoholism, jealousy, arthritis, claustrophobia, agoraphobia, migraine headaches, weight problems, insomnia, obsessive/compulsive behaviors, chemical dependencies, depression, and sexual dysfunctions. The release of fear and other painful emotions strengthens will and self-esteem and fosters forgiveness towards others and towards the self.

Throughout their lives individuals may have felt negativity towards certain persons or places. They may be averse to particular foods, be prone to illness or disease, or have recurring dreams. This may be the result of a past life connection. By becoming aware of the roots of these conditions the negativity is released and healing often occurs.

Past life therapy is usually undertaken to reach the source of problems or conflicts in the current life. The purpose of a regression session is to release guilt, fears, and other emotions tied to past events in order to make appropriate decisions in the present lifetime and gain an understanding of present relationships.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Karma and PLR

Past life therapy is a therapy in which an individual is regressed to past lives in order to heal and resolve ailments and situations from the current life. It is is based on the ancient belief of reincarnation. The foundation of Hindu philosophy, reincarnation dates back thousands of years. It is the notion that the soul is eternal and incarnates again and again, retaining all the knowledge of events that occur during each lifetime.

Karma is an important component of reincarnation. It is a Sanskrit word meaning action. The basis of karma is that every action has a reaction: cause and effect. Each lifetime is lived in order to resolve unwholesome actions in previous lifetimes. The circumstances of each life are determined by the growth and progress achieved in a past life. According to this theory, a person's actions in one lifetime determine the conditions, situations, relationships, environment, and opportunities of the next life.

The actions carried out in one lifetime are often carried through to the next life. For instance, someone who committed a murder in a previous life may encounter a lifetime in which he will have to deal with anger and violence. Although "past lives" began as a religious concept, since the 1960s it has been used in the therapeutic community to help people reframe current issues in their lives that are blocking their health and well-being. Whether or not there are past-life experiences and memories is debatable and ultimately unprovable. They may be metaphors of the mind. Even so, they can serve as useful processes for bringing understanding and resolution to present conflicts.

In the past life regression, the patient may recognize people from her current life. According to the karmic theory, souls who are closely related in one life will meet in another. Often people who bond together in this lifetime, such as family, lovers, or friends, have also been together in previous lives. The significance of meeting again is to resolve karmic issues from other lives in order to promote growth and healing.

Past lives generally are not experienced in a sequential fashion. This is due to the karmic understanding that past lives are revealed at a time when the individual will benefit most by the lesson learned through the review.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Past Life Regression and PTSD

Past-life regression is a therapy where people probe into what was their past to find answers to questions plaguing them in the present. Our past life selves are not only characters in past dramas, but they also live within us today as sub-personalities. We feel their emotions; manifest their talents; think their thoughts; are limited by their fears and perpetuate their quandaries. We often act this out without consciously knowing we are doing so, simply because we are unaware they exist within us. The most problematic past lives for us today, are the ones that have unresolved trauma or ‘unfinished business.’ 

Traumatic or sudden deaths is one such instance which, quite often leave a portion of the consciousness in shock and earthbound. The biggest shock to a soul that dies suddenly is that it often doesn’t know it is dead.

Spirits that die suddenly often do not find their way to light on their own. It is not that loved ones and beings from the higher realms do not come for them, but the spirits state of shock often blocks them from even noticing that help is there. Past Life Regression techniques bring the spirit back to its point of death to break the trance of shock and dissociation. In PLT a therapist puts clients in a state of deep relaxation, in an attempt to delve into their past and find clues about their previous lives. Uncovering a traumatic event in a previous incarnation these problematic inner characters are brought to the forefront of consciousness and worked with to bring resolution and healing to their complexes, so that they cease to affect the current life.

Post-traumatic stress disorder is an anxiety disorder which may result from such a traumatic experience.

Some of the symptoms of PTSD are:
1. A recurrent re-experiencing of the original trauma in the form of repetitive memories, nightmares or flashbacks.
2. Being in a state of hyper-arousal or hyper-vigilance
3. Blackouts, memory loss, denial or amnesia around the original trauma
4. Spaciness and dissociation
5. Fear or avoidance of others
6. Emotional numbness or deadness
7. Development of phobias and irrational fears